Monday, May 10, 2010

More Spring Plants and Flowers

Sister Visit

My sister, Beth and her crew came to visit.  All 7 of them came and stayed all night.  We had a good time and we got to just hang out.  Her husband, John helped me cook and Helen cleaned the strawberries which were all eaten - they were good.

Hailey gives Seth a hug.  Both are doing good.

Harrison (H.R. Stephens - his futrue president name) hangs out waiting to go to the zoo.

Here is the Stephens family.  Helen isn't in the picture.  It is very rare they are all together at the same time.

Hey, maybe they should come to my house more often.

We loved having you, come back anytime.
Pool opens at the end of May.

Spring Surprises

I was cleaning the deck.  I was up on a chair cleaning the fan.  I told Jim we needed to work on getting a new fan.  This one is totally faded and rusted out.  Then I asked him to come out and clean the tops of the fan blades because I couldn't raise them.  When he went to wipe the first blade, it broke off.
So he next mission: find a new fan.

Old fan, minus one blade.

Jim putting up new fan.

The new fan. It looks and works great!!!

Happy Mother's Day and Happy May

This is my garden frog.  Isn't is cool?
I think so.
Lanie checks out the frog.  She thinks it is cool,
Thanks Allison and Geoff -

Lanie posed for a couple of pictures with me for (Grand)Mother's day.
She isn't walking yet, but is loving the standing.
She doesn't like dresses when she is trying to crawl. 

Later, Jim and I went to visit my Mom and Bob at the rehab center.  Bob is getting better and Mom is in good spirits.

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