Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Bowers First Official Trip to the Zoo


Allison declared that this is the first official Bowers Family trip to the zoo, since it is the first time they were all together.  Lanie  has her best happy on.

"I wanta hippopotamus for Christmas..."

  Zebras -                                                                   
Are they white with black stripes or black with white stripes?

  Dwarf mongoose
Are they big enough to kill cobras? Or do they just kill baby cobras?

I think they are Asian - hahaha!

"More animals please."

These guys are really, really tall.

The penguins gave me a shower.  At least it wasn't like the whale at Sea World in San Fransico - remember that Allison?

We walked through the butterfly house.

 The lion graced us when he sat up for about 30 seconds before falling back over to continue his nap.

Lanie also had to have a nap about the same time.

The cheeta was also napping.

  The zoo trip ended by seeing the cutter ants.  They were busy, busy cutting leaves and taking them over several back and forth bamboo rods to get to their nest.  A man was working at the table where the ants were located and when one got off track he put it back on rod. Hope they give them lots of plants in that area to "cut" everyday!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lanie is pulling herself up.
She also is crawling
like crazy. She is 8 months old.

Lanie and Grandma

There is a smile under
that nuke.



The reason
they call
it bleeding


more philox

the cinnamon fern is up

other ferns are coming up

The redbuds are full this year.  I transplanted one last fall
and it made it through the winter.

Dogwoods opened up about 3 days ago - awesome!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

We are in Olathe for Easter.  We had surprises for the kids when they got up this morning and the Easter Bunny came while they were at church.  It is a beautiful day out, so the kids had a lot of fun searching for those eggs the Easter Bunny left for them.
Getting ready for the hunt!

Jackson's take of the eggs.

McKinley on the humt.

The Kuhl's - all five of them.

Happy Jack satisfied with his gfts this morning.

Mckinley plays with her new My Little Pony -Tinkerbell as she waits for everyone to finish getting ready for church. She is very serious as she plays.

Jackson eyes, ears and tie matched today.

This is a chicken that lays eggs as it walks.  The kids like them.
They didn't eat the candy egss the chicken laid.

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