Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Birthday Party Day

My birthday started Sunday night, when Jim and I laughed and laughed about note he put in my card.
Our neighbors Nancy and Ed came to visit and bring me a "pressie." (I'll load it later)

At school Monday am, my team gave me a party and I received lots of cards and presents.  I was so surprised.   Many of the kids noticed the cards and wished me a happy birthday. 

Jim & I went to dinner with the Bowers, Geoff, Allison and Lanie.

Later, we went to watch the game. MaryAnn, Kim and Lenard showed up.

Lanie had a fun time.
This was a very good birthday.

Happy Birthday, Geoff!

Hope your b-day is fun. We are glad you are home.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My School Barometer

I have a barometer at school that just measures if the air pressure goes up or down.  It is often the center of conservation in my room.  I have a lot of things in my room to make kids think and ask questions.

This is how it works:  when the air pressure is low, the colored water goes up the small tube.
When the air pressure is high, the colored water is pushed back down the small tube in the larger tube.

Last Thursday the water was at the top of the small tube for most of the day.  It even spilled over over several times.  We had a good time talking about air pressure and how it relates to rain on and off all day long.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Family Picture

This picture was taken after the wedding.

Close up with Lanie

New Year's Eve 2009

Jim & I drove to Schaumburg on Dec. 31.  We met the kids at the hotel.  Our rooms were right together.
Besides the wedding on Saturday we did some activities.  We went to the Natural History Museum and went swimming.  The morning we left we had breakfast in the lobby.  And of course there was some partying with friends.
The hotel.

The entry to the hotel.

Jackson shares doggie with Lanie.

Sara & Mckinley -it was so cold out!

Sue @ the Museum.

Allison & Sara pose for a picture with Lanie and Lanie has to peek between their lockes.

Lanie practices sitting up.  She is close to sitting on her own.

Travis & Sara watch the basketball game in the bathroom.
Their other TV didn't get ESPN2.

The beds were really comfortable.

Andrew & Tayna's Wedding Day

On January 2, 2010 we attended the wedding of Andrew Maerz & Tayna Horvath.  It was a small wedding and very nice.  I was able to talk with them several times during the reception.  The food and music was good.  The company was outstanding.
Tayna & Andrew

The cakes.

Jim & Mike, they always have a lot to celebrate!

Justin & Mike

Rachael & Taylor

Myrna's Parents.

Mike & Myrna at the church.

December 25, 2009

We woke up to snow.  It snowed on and off pretty much all day.  We decided not to go to Jim's sister's for dinner.  It was a good decision.  The next morning when I went shopping, there were cars off the road.  I saw 3 in about 2 miles.
Jim & I hung out all day at home with the cats.  Jim tended the fire and I graded some papers.  It was a nice quiet day.  We called the kids and our families to wish them a Merry Christmas.

Lexi enjoying her kitty bed. 

Sunny helps me grade papers.

Annette's Playlist

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