Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, One and All!

Jim & I find it less stressful to have our Christmas with family on another date besides the 24th or 25th.  This year is was the 18th.  We also celebrated my sister's birthday. (It was the 3-0 one).  Helen and the boys stayed over night and we got to spend some more time with them.  I played with the little boys and hung with Seth some.  Helen and I watched a movie and just got to hang. 
It was a pretty good day.  My Mom was having back problems, so they had to leave early.

Happy Birthday Jim!

Yesterday, Christmas Eve was Jim's birthday. Since his Mother always sent him a birthday/Christmas card every year while she was alive, we make it a point every year to give Jim a separate birthday party. This year it was parties.....

Nancy made Jim cupcake's with candles, a card and separate present!
Boy, were those cupcakes good!!!

Ice Cream cake with the kids and g-kids.

Happy Birthday Jim!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sara's Birthday

Sara's Birthday isn't until December 9th, but they cruised by today, so we had cake and ice cream and snacks.  They said they were not staying long, so we had some snacks, the kids played and we had cake and ice cream. 

Travis holds Grant hoping he'll go to sleep for the ride home.

Geoff and Jackson check out an I-pad.

Mckinley poses for me and gives me a big smile.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

St. Louis University Campus

Today, we went to the Billikens Boys Basketball game.  It was the afternoon and so beautiful outside that I took a few pictures of the campus.  The Bills also won, so that made it even nicer.
This is the Chafitz Arena where the Bills play.

From left to right Bob, Jan and Ralph.
Bob & Jan have season tickets and now we sit across the aisle and two up from them.
Ralph is Bob's brother visiting from Denver.

This is the campus looking towards Grand Ave. and on the right side is the St. Louis University Church.  In the forground are some the playing fields.
Look how blue the sky is!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Weekend of Company

This past weekend the Kuhl's were in town.  On Friday, Sara gave a Allison a late 30th birthday party, since Sara was busy with Grant's birth back in August.
There was cake,

and babies,

and kids,

and drinking games. (Some of the Allison's friends are still single w/o kids.)

On Sunday, all the kids visited, (well Geoff sorta visited.)  Travis fixed my computer. Thanks, Travis!  And we took a walk.  The day was just beautiful out.

We visited our neighbor, Nancy, then headed home.

Then we stopped in front of the house to take some pictures.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Harrison!

Yesterday, was Harrison's first birthday.  Today, Beth had a party for him.  It was just family and a few friends.
Harrison's very cute cake.

Daddy's relaxing for a bit.

Harrison playing with some of his new toys.

Harrison so loving his cake!

At one point, Harrison threw back his head, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.  I think he was on sugar overload.

Harrison sharing his cake with his sister Hailey.

I'm one and I can walk.  I'm starting to talk, too.

Seth plays with one of Harrison's new toys.  All the kids took turns playing with toys.  Weebles and dump trucks were the toys of the day.
We sang, "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down."

Good Bye to Lexi

Last Saturday October 23, 2010 we had to have Lexi put to sleep.  She was less than 5 pounds.  Soon she will join Butch and Cassidy on the bookcase in the living room so she can be with us during family time when ever she wants.  This picture is the night before.  She tried and we tried, but whatever it was making her sick was too much for her. God bless you, Lexi girl. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Travis!

Happy Birthday!
Hope your day
is just what you
We love you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 12, 2010 St. Louis Arch

We went to the 9-12 rally at the Arch in St. Louis.  They had us use our cell phones to registar our attendance there.  There were over 14,000 people.  Here are some shots:
 God Bless America!


 This is Dick Morris speaking and Roy (the RINO) Blunt is standing beside him on the big screen.

 Our banner hung across the main stage.

Grant's Dedication 9-19-2010

Two babies were dedicated today.
One was Grant.
He slept until the prayer, starting to wiggle and fuss, but Travis quickly calmed him down and he right back to sleep.

 This is the lady who did the dedication and said the prayers. 

After church, we went back to Kuhl's for lunch. These are the kids eating lunch.  The two older girls had been playing dress up.           
It was a very short trip to KC, but worth it.  Sara cooked a really good lunch and I graded papers on the way home.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good Day of Protesting

The weather was just great today.  Nancy & I went to protest this morning.  It turned out to be such a good morning. The sun was shining.  We got so many positive honks and waves compared to only a few negative ones.  There were a lot of people there for it being a holiday weekend.
Someone brought Sarah Palin cutout, so we took pictures with her.  This is Nancy.

 This is Chuck, the writer of

  Nancy said as we were leaving today.  It makes me feel good to come here.  After not coming for a couple of weeks, you start to get depressed about our situation. When you are here, everyone is friendly and cares as much as you do, so you do not feel so lonely.  It is a very positive experience!

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Cousin Visit

Jim's cousins were in town.  They had a lunch on Friday and both Jim & I took off work to go.  The food was really good and company was even better.
  Dave & Linda Schmitt

  The Wilts and the Sieves 

 The Schmitts

Annette's Playlist

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