Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Jim! (12-24)

Tomorrow is Jim's 60th birthday.  Happy Birthday, Jim.  I love you :)

Sunny says, "Happy Birthday Daddy!"

Have a great day!

Christmasing Early

We try to have Christmas on a different day than the 25th.  This time of year is always so stressful.  So a few years ago - I said the heck with this and talked to Jim about having Christmas at a time when it is not so stressful for everyone.  I hate to only get to see everyone for only a few hours and they are stressed because they have to be somewhere else or don't want to drive in the dark or ...........
This works much better for us.
The only down side... having to get shopping finished early.  So here are some pictures from our 12-20  Christmas celebration.

Beth & I bought each other sister gifts this year. Don't you think we are starting to look more alike?

Bernie's family came.  Amilia is now 16 and Lisa is in nursing school.

Mom and Bob joined us.  Seth and Mckinley were busy checking out their gifts. Jim is opening one of the many presents he received.

The Stephens and Sassmanns were here.  Mark is on the left. Helen came for the second year.
We are so glad you joined us again. John spent the day making sure Logan was not getting too rough with Jackson. Seth wrestles now and is teaching Logan, so Logan was practicing his moves on Jackson.
There was lots of laughing going on all day.

Wayne, Lisa's husband, Seth, and Courtney's sons, Tyler and Nicolas.
They ate their dinner, but really liked the cookies and mini chocolate candy bars.

Jackson & Mckinley eat at their new kids table.  They are old enough to have their own table so it is "just their size."  See Allison your plates are great for the kids to eat out of at Grandma's house. Logan was way too excited to eat.  Maybe next time he will sit with Jackson and Mckinley to eat.

Jackson plays with one of his new airplanes.

Travis, Sara & Harrison.  Sara enjoyed holding Harrison.
He is 7 weeks and over 12 pounds.  He is a very good baby.

Opening presents can get kind of wild.  Hailey watches Seth check out his iPod.
Sara watches across the room and Mckinley opens gifts.

Sunny hangs out with us in a safe place.  He still has to share the shelf with gift boxes.
He thinks thats okay because it provides more cover for him.

Mckinley not so crazy about her Momma holding another baby.
But her dress is so cute!

Mckinley, Jackson & Logan had a wonderful time all day.  They ran up and down the steps, through the living room, dining room and kitchen.  They ate cookies and candy and played with their new toys.
All in all it was a very good day!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Sara, Happy Birthday.
Here are just a few pics of you...enjoy

Sara & Jim reading the Sunday Paper

Sara in pre-hiphop mode (1989)

Sara - summer 1993 - she's growing up

Sara @ Pios for her 13th birthday - 1990
She loved chocolate then, too.

Sara - all grown up - making memories for her little girl.
Have a wonderful day!

Annette's Playlist

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