Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday After Thanksgiving

Jim cuts up turkey I baked Friday night.
It was very good. We ate after returning from some
afternoon adventures.

The Kuhls were here. We slept in and hung out at the
breakfast table a little longer than usual.

Mckinley enjoys her pancakes, but insists on a napkin
for her sticky fingers from the syrup.

Jackson poses for Grandma with that sweet smile.

Lexi and Sunny hangout hoping Jim will give up some

Mckinley didn't sleep to well Friday night (that means
Sara & Travis didn't either) so after they went through a
couple of our empty rentals and joined the K&N Patriots
for awhile Mckinley crashed in the car, then took a nap in
the office before heading back to Kansas.  I'm sure Sara
& Travis would have liked to join her.
Doesn't she look just like Sara?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Tea Party Protest - Family & Friend Style

Sara, Travis & Mckinley stayed in the background
but watched with interest and read lots of the signs.
Jackson and my friend, Nancy protest. Jackson
waves an American flag. Jim is in arms reach of
Jackson, on the right.

Nancy and Judy, sisters and now fellow protestors.

Nancy and Jackson again.

You can see our banner "K&N Patriots"
There were about 80 protestors there today and
4 counters protestors across the street.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We wish you a wonderful day.

John was the main cook today. Thank you.
The 3 Sassmann kids + Jim, John, Seth, Logan & Harrison. Hailey, Sara, Travis, Jackson, McKinley, Allison, Geoff, Lanie & Larry are missing.

Mark came up to hang with the Seth. Mark saw Seth wrestle earlier this week.

Logan made a turkey at school. It is very cute.

This is the turkey John made - yummmmy!

This is my first pumpkin pie of the season. It was really good!

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