Friday, October 30, 2009

My New Nephew

Meet Harrison, my new nephew:) Logan is checking out his new little brother.
Seth is now living with Beth and John. Hailey is the oldest. Nothing like having your kids double in 2 days.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tayna's Wedding Shower

Tanya is marrying Andrew Mearz January of 2010. Andrew is working on his PhD in Chemistry and Tanya has two years left in law school. They plan to end up in St. Louis or Chicago, but who knows at this point, that is 2 years away.
Today, we celebrated with a wedding shower.

Tanya and MaryJean

Tanya, MaryJean and Grace (Andrew's grandmothers)

Tanya, her Mom (on left) and Myrna

The cake, mmmmmm good.

Tanya & her Mom

Cardinals Playoff Game

Jim has always wanted to attend a Cardinals world series game. So this year the Cardinals were on their way with winning their area division. Unfortunately, they lost the first three games of the overall division and were out. There is always next year!

Annette's Playlist

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