Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bird Houses and Hummingbirds

This is a gourd bird house at Ray and Carol's. Ray grew the gourd

I noticed this bird house on the garage on a rental in Owensville.

I was able to get this shot of a hummingbird eating out of our feeder.

This red throated hummingbird posed nicely for me to get his picture several times.

Summer Flowers

All of these pictures were taken at my sister in law's house except the pink rose of sharon. That was taken at my house.

Lanie Goes to a Wedding & Meets Our Family

Here are the Bowers - all dressed up for the wedding

Lanie meets the Kuhl Family

Lanie hangs out with her Kuhl cousins

Lanie meets her Great Grandma and Grandpa Crews - thanks for the new book
Lanie meets Great Aunt Carol - thanks for quilt

Jim's Award

Almost every year Jim gets an award. Used to be they would fly us to the East Coast somewhere and put us up in a hotel and give a big party for all the "hard work" multiple employees did over the past year.
These days the award is a plaque and bonus in your check (that always helps) and this year Jim also received a big coffee mug (the kind only men drink out of) and a nice duffel bag complete with a liner for wet clothes and a small cooler.
Keep up the hard work Jim!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lanie Comes Home to Missouri

The Bowers' arrived in St. Louis late on 090909. Jim went and picked up Allison when he got off work and they came to my detention and tutoring class. Then we went home and had dinner and family time. We got to spend time with Lanie and caught up with Allison. Allison looks so good. Lanie is cuter than her pictures. She will be sleeping away, wake up, let out a yell and go right back to sleep. The first time she did it, we were really surprised. Here are some pictures we took tonight.

Annette's Playlist

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